The mission of the Youth Court Program is to serve the community by providing a unique, peer-driven restorative justice models as alternatives to the traditional juvenile justice system. Working as an immediate intervention for first time juvenile offenders who have committed misdemeanor offenses.
Youth Court volunteers empower young people to take an active role in addressing criminal offenses of their peers and expand access to justice. Volunteers will be credited community service hours, as well as receive ongoing intensive development and team building activities which will cultivate their leadership skills. Juvenile Court of Memphis and Shelby County is continuously working with the Tennessee Bar Association in the development and operation of its Youth Court.
If you are in the 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade and interested in volunteering to participate in Youth Court, please complete and submit the accompanying application. Criminal background checks are conducted on all volunteers.

If you are a licensed attorneys who wants to work alongside high school youth volunteers who are interested in law and have volunteered their time to participate in a peer-driven restorative justice model program, you will fulfill the roles of mentor and judge in cases that involve first time juvenile offenders who have committed misdemeanor offenses.
Would you like to make a difference in the lives of children and their families?
Volunteers are needed at Juvenile Court of Memphis and Shelby County.
Volunteer Opportunities are NOW Available
Auxiliary Probation Officer (APO)
Community involved citizens- Supervise children placed on Court ordered probation. APO’s visit homes, schools, and employment of probationers to ensure compliance with the rules of probation and offer an open hand of support. APO’s are trained, sworn Officers of the Court.
Mentor Program (Youth Developer)
Community involved citizens-Committed to serving as a mentor to Court involved youth. Conduct home visits, engage in various positive impactful events, and encourage youth to live in their best potential.
Ambassador Program
Greet all court visitors and direct them to the appropriate location within Juvenile Court. Ensure that all visitors are treated with dignity and respect.
All volunteers must successfully complete an interview, NCIC Criminal Background Check, Sex Offender Registry Check, Vulnerable Person Registry, and fingerprints are taken and registered with local, state, and national law enforcement to protect the children that we serve.

Help us make a difference in the lives of the
children and families that we serve in OUR Community!!!
is composed of citizen volunteers and serves as the quasi-judicial function of advising the Court about the permanency process of each child in foster care. This Board makes recommendations to the Tennessee Department of Children Services and Juvenile Court to facilitate a child into a stable, permanent and safe home. Meeting once a month to review progress reports and permanency plans for children to determine the necessity of continuing foster care and the appropriateness of the placement. Deciding on the termination of parental rights if progress towards reunification has not been made within a reasonable amount of time. Projecting a date for the child to exit foster care, either by adoption or permanent placement.
Volunteer Requirements: A FCRB volunteer must be at least 18 years of age preferable made up of any parents with minor children and/or professionals in the legal, human services, educational and medical fields. Prior to being accepted into the program, each applicant must pass an extensive criminal and sex offender background check. Training is provided and must be successfully completed before the applicant acts on a board.
If you believe that you meet the requirements contact the Foster Care Review Board at 901.222.0746 or email fostercare@shelbycountytn.gov

A CASA volunteer is a screened, trained, qualified community volunteer appointed by judges to advocate for the best interests of children who have been abused or neglected. The primary responsibilities of a CASA volunteer are to:
Gather information: Review documents and records, and interview the children, family members and professionals in their lives.
Document findings: Provide written reports at court hearings.
Appear in court: Advocate for the child’s best interests and provide testimony when necessary.
Explain what is going on: Help the child understand the court proceedings.
Seek cooperative solutions: Seek solutions among individuals and organizations involved in the children’s lives.
Recommend services: Ensure that the children and their family are receiving appropriate services and advocate for those that are not immediately available. Bring concerns about the child’s health, education, mental health, etc. to the appropriate professionals.
Monitor case plans and court orders: Check to see that plans are being followed and mandated review hearings are being held.
Keep the court informed: Update the court on developments with agencies and family members. Ensure that appropriate motions are filed on behalf of the child so the court knows about any changes in the child’s situation.
If you would like to become a CASA Volunteer and believe that you meet the requirements contact Michelle Childs, Executive Director, at michelle.childs@shelbycountytn.gov or 901-222-0762 or CLICK THE LINK to apply.